SORA Training
The Security Officers Registration Act (SORA) is an act of legislation mandating the regulation of security officers in New Jersey. SORA certification results in a license issued by the State of New Jersey that is required to perform the duties of a security officer.
See below for the steps to obtain your SORA certification. Please note: active Law Enforcement Officers wishing to work off-duty security must also have a SORA card; please get in touch with us to learn about your specific process.
We are committed to providing each person with exceptional instruction to enable them to perform their position as a security officer with outstanding professionalism and skill. For more information, see our SORA Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) or give us a call or text.
Initial steps to become a licensed security officer in New Jersey
Please note: Everything is completed within 30 days from the date that you apply with the State Police and get your Temporary Certificate.
You can register with the State Police up to the day before our class. If your SORA certification has expired, you will have to go through the same steps as the initial certification.
Sign-up for a SORA Class

Because the SORA process is limited to 30 days, it is crucial that you find and reserve your seat for an available SORA class that is happening within your time limit and area. The process begins with registering with the NJ State Police. Failing to take a class with a certified SORA instructor within the 30-day time limit will result in having to start the process (and fees) all over again.
Register with the NJ State Police

Candidates for certification must apply online, at www.NJSP.org. Please make sure to have a credit card or debit card available before applying, as there is a $75 application fee.
*You must do this on a computer, not on a phone or tablet and in Microsoft Edge, NOT Chrome or any other browser.
Do not register more than 30 days before taking the SORA class, since your application will expire. We recommend completing this process 1-2 weeks before the class.
You will need to print the confirmation email sent to you from the NJ State Police and bring it with you to class.
For help on the NJSP website, click HERE
Attend the SORA Class

Take the 24-hour SORA class and pass the exam at the end. (Class is usually 2 days, and you MUST attend both days.)
As per the NJ State Police, applicants take the same 24-hour class for both Armed and Unarmed SORA certification.
After passing the SORA Exam and your fingerprints are finished, you should be able to see, download, and print your certification card from the NJSP website.
*Steps 3 and 4 can be done in any order.
SORA Training Courses include,
but are not limited to, the following subject matter:
Roles of a Security Officer
NJ Attorney General's Use of Force Policy
Terrorism Prevention and Deterrence
Cargo Theft
ICS - Incident Management Systems
Suspicious Letters and Packages
SARS - Suspicious Activities/Terrorism Reporting System
Basic Fire and Bomb Threat Management
Private Detective Unit and Website Familiarization
Active Shooter Response
Report Writing
Street Gangs (Gang Awareness and Recognition)
Document Fraud
Missing Persons and Child Abductions
First Aid and CPR Awareness
The above subject matter is covered in both the initial 24-hour certification class and the 8-hour renewal class. Both Armed and Unarmed are in the same class.
Common questions:



You must be at least 18 years old;
you must possess a valid photo ID issued by the state or federal government, and it must have a valid expiration date (i.e., Driver´s License OR US Passport, etc.);
you must register as a Security Officer with the Private Detective Unit of the NJ State Police;
you must be fingerprinted by a MorphoTrust agency;
and you must take and pass a SORA Initial 24-hour training class given by a licensed SORA instructor.​ Both armed and unarmed SORA certifications are in the same class.
The Security Officer Certification is good for a period of 2 years for unarmed and 1 year for armed. A renewal application must be submitted prior to the expiration of the certification.
As part of your certification process, a criminal background check will be conducted. Certification will be denied if you have been convicted of: a crime of the first, second, third or fourth degree; any offense involving the unlawful use, possession or sale of a controlled dangerous substance; or any offense where the registration of the individual would be contrary to the public interest, as determined by the Superintendent.
The fee for your background check is non-refundable, so check the SORA HELP webpage or contact the New Jersey State Police for clarification if you have a question about a particular issue.